What to expect

Join us in Frankfurt, Germany! How can organizations in today's day & age improve employee loyalty and what are its patterns to acquire such thing? Join the event for a though-provoking conversation between pioneers of role based management as they will share insights about this lever for employee loyalty.


☆ Kick off : Short introduction by Frank Klinkhammer, CEO at OOTW

☆ 1st keynote by Anja Hofmann, Managing Director at Deutsche Bildung

☆ 2nd keynote by Philipp Schild, Managing Director at Funk

☆ 3rd keynote by Markus Dreckmann, Porsche Digital Head of People and Culture

☆ Roundtable moderated by OOTW

☆ Final word by Philippe Pinault - CEO at Holaspirit

☆ After event

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