Build cross-functional collaborations and move as one

Track your projects from start 'till finish with our easy-to-use project management tools.

Trusted by 500+ organizations in 45 countries (and counting)

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Avoid working on the same thing and stay on track with your team’s projects, roadmaps and more.

Avoid working on the same thing and stay on track with your team’s projects, roadmaps and more.

Bring efficiency to your organization

Collaborate, communicate and coordinate seamlessly for a productive workflow between teams. Avoid working on the same thing and stay on track with your team’s projects, roadmaps and more.

  • Visibility within roadmaps and projects
  • Effective workflow
  • Quicker results

Bring efficiency to your organization

Project Roadmap

Document each step of your projects and gain clear visibility as to where you stand. Plus, it’s a great way to let your peers know what you’re up to making it easier to collaborate with them.

  • Alignment
  • Better direction 
  • Improves processes with other teams

Get efficient, practical and to the point

With Holaspirit you're able to bring transparency to recurring actions with our checklists tool. Plus, it allows great visibility to its performance bringing awareness to current information.

  • Monitor progress
  • Sense of direction
  • Keeps projects on track

Project Roadmap
Project Roadmap

Document every detail

With our platform’s project information card lets you add notes, tag team members, add it to a specific circle and much more. This feature helps each contributor to document each project with details about their processes.

  • Agility workflow
  • Communication about projects
  • Team Collaboration

Hundreds of companies & non-profits are already trusting Holaspirit with their collaborative projects.

Jean-Marc Wismer
Chief Operating Officer

"Holaspirit has been a significant contributor to our successful migration to Teal due to its user-friendliness, to the way information can be centrally shared about people, roles, accountabilities, quality documents, processes, etc."

Ivo Battig photo
Ivo Bättig
Chief Strategy Officer

"Working with Holaspirit is a pleasure. The public roadmap provides a great insight into what to expect when. New features are implemented regularly in a short amount of time and the support reaction time is world class."

Photo of Klaas Reineke, agile coach
Klaas Reineke
Agile Coach

"Software helps a lot for transparency about the organization structure and makes all governance and operations accessible to everyone. Without Holaspirit we could not implement Holacracy."


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