Your ultimate guide to Agile lingo
Objective Key Results (OKRs) is a goal-setting method that aligns individual, team and organizational purpose.
How does it do that?
1. By focusing on inspirational objectives before thinking about metrics (purpose-driven)
2. By linking these inspirational objectives to goals that are measurable and time-bound (measurable)
3. By linking objectives and key results to projects and action checklists (operational)
4. By cascading from organizational OKR to team OKR to individual OKR (alignement and engagement)
How are OKRs different from KPIs?
It's true that both OKRs and KPIs support performance review and measurable results.
However, KPI's are focused on performance management and tracking, whereas the OKR methodology is more focused on goal setting and alignment throughout the organization.
How are OKRs different from SMART goals?
A SMART goal actually falls somewhere between a KPI and an OKR.
SMART targets can be great for employees on an individual level, but it's difficult to implement a SMART target on a company-wide level.